Someone once said that in business you do not need big money but
big ideas. This is very true. How big an idea is is dependent on how the
conceiver proves it to be. On the other hand one cannot rule out the fact that
in some cases you need money to carry out your ideas. The money you may be
considering may be big to you. Many ‘big’ business ideas have not been
implemented due to the lack of financing.
In this piece you will read about how to build a financial stronghold. Young men will also be given a clue as to how to secure their finances for the future.
A financial stronghold is a stock of reliable financial resources.
Everyone wants to have
enough money to do what they want to do. Some fall sick as a result of worrying
about how to get money; others cowardly kill themselves simply because they do
not know how to find money. Some too wickedly commit crime. But you can secure
your finances gradually by building a stronghold.
One way to build a stronghold is to avoid extravagance.
Many a people simply need their daily bread. Others simply need money for medical bills. However others have enough for food, medical bills and other basic necessities of life, and only seek to have a lot more for the fun of it or for ostentatious purchases. Ostentation is mostly needless. If you are yet to build a stronghold, then you should not be extravagant. You do not become financially sound simply because you drive the latest car or wear the most expensive clothing or jewelleries. As a builder, extravagance erodes the sand you use for building. Even when you have built a stronghold, extravagance will bring it down. Bear in mind that many rich people have become poor before. Moderation and modesty are virtues that sustain wealth.
Another way to build a financial stronghold is to be disciplined.
Being disciplined means making the right purchasing decisions.
Always ask yourself what benefit this spending will bring to you after ‘now’.
Do not make buying decisions simply on impulse or in the spur of the moment.
People who do not demonstrate discipline in spending get poor quickly or remain
poor for long. Avoid spending that does not benefit the future.
Also, it is important to ‘sow’.
Just like the farmer keep some ‘seed’ for sowing. Sowing means investing in some venture that brings future benefits and sustains your ‘financial stronghold’. Being financially sound is not enough. There has to be a reliable source or sources of sustenance. The seed should be sown in fertile soil and should be viable. You may need some expect advice if you have to invest so much money at once. Be sure too that the necessary conditions exist for germination.
Raising capital for business hasn’t been easy for many an entrepreneurs. Many young people today are privileged to have regular and fat remittances from parents and guardians. It is also common these days to find them spending profligately. I believe the youth ought to realise that finding a job is no longer so simple and the easier way to make money is to create your own business since the available ones are not able to employ us all. Saving part of these remittances and building a financial stronghold is one sure way of raising business capital with ease. It must start now while you have your guardians comfortably remitting you.
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